Monthly Archives: January 2018

I WORKSHOP on Blastocyst Biopsy for Clinical Embryologists

Last week, the I WORKSHOP on Blastocyst Biopsy for Clinical Embryologists at Bioarray facilities was ended.

I WORKSHOP on Blastocyst Biopsy for Clinical Embryologists

This course was taught by our embryologist Miguel A. Fernández Pérez, for embryologists from Spain and some European countries, with the aim of providing autonomy to reproduction clinics for PGS and PGD analysis.

We will keep you updated on the next editions of WORKSHOP

ION World 2017

On October 19 last the event Ion World was held, wich Bioarray was present.

Luis A. Alcaraz, PhD Scientifc and Lab Director spoke about the use of NGS for investigating the causes of reproductive failure with the aim of improving success rates of in vitro fertilisation (IVF).


↓ Find out more about the conference below
Ion World

Bioarray develops a PGD-Seq Kit

The morning news papers La Vanguardía  and the have published an article on the PGD-Seq Kit developed by Bioarray capable of detecting, in a single biopsy, monogenic pathologies and chromosomal errors necessary in the analysis of embryos for IVF.

Kit PGD-Seq

Today this is a great advance in assisted reproduction, Luis A. Alcaraz adds that “we ran the risk of selecting embryos that were not chromosomally normal, that did not lead to implantation or that gave a child affected by Down Syndrome”.

Read more >> PGD-Seq ; La Vanguardía ;