With the same precision and accuracy than a PGT-A standard
Great added value for the patient
New Catalog of Tests for the Genetic Study of Clinical Oncology using the latest mass sequencing technology (NGS).
11 Tests that allow obtaining precise results to select a treatment with the greatest potential for success, with just one sample.
New test to evaluate the microbiota present in the vagina and endometrium.
Fundamental information about the equilibrium state of the microbiota and potential pathogens, to increase the probability of a successful embryo implantation.
Range of flexible NGS tests for exome sequencing and exome-based panels.
Non invasive, hight sensitivity test for detection of cell-free circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in the patient's bloodstream
Our mission is providing fast molecular diagnosis of genetic diseases, in early stages when possible, turning analytical results into useful and actionable information for physicians and patients..
Our commitment with the medical community is an accurate diagnosis for the best therapeutic chances and suitable genetic counseling of every patient.
About Bioarray >Browse our test catalogue.
Next Generation Sequencing, Microarrays, Deletion/Duplication Testing, Repeat Expansion Analysis, etc.
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