Array CGH services for research

Our array CGH services or comparative genomic hybridisation for research, development and innovation are focused on research development. The aim is to detect or analyse different genetic alterations that include a gain or loss in genetic material.

From the planning of the experiment to the analysis

At Bioarray we make the possibility to seek advice available before carrying out the analysis, the experiment and experiment design, as well as a complete interpretation of the results with advanced bioinformatic software.

Complete guidance and the possibility to seek advice.

We carry out a complete study of the alterations in the researched genes of the sample given, which are then compared to a reference genome.

Also, you have the possibility to later study the different transcriptional variants and design personalised microarrays for different groups of genes.

Save time, money and work

Your research is just as important to us as it is to you. For this reason, we take special care in each stage of the analysis with the aim to achieve the most reliable results.

In addition, one of the advantages of our service is the possibility to use the least amount of baseline genetic material, entailing less time and money.

If you believe your research needs a committed and dedicated work team, contact us.

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