PGD+PGS Kit for PGS Labs

PGD+PGS Single Biopsy - Kit & Sotfware Packages

Add value to your lab with PGD+PGS In-House NGS analysis!

Bioarray presents this unique tool in the Reproductive Genetics market, a turnkey solution for PGS labs to perform PGD+PGS by NGS from a single biopsy provided by their IVF client.

The PGD+PGS Single Biopsy comprises:

  • Multiplex PCR panel Kit necessary for the single-gene disorder PGD case:
    • a) PGD setup: informativity study
    • b) PGD: embryo biopsy diagnosis
  • License for Bioarray´s proprietary software for analisys, including remote access to our sever.
  • Technical Support 24/7


In-House and self-sufficient PGD+PGS analysis

Quick results are possible for fresh transfers

Joint PGD and PGS analysis starting from a single sample

PGD+PGS Kits are available for virtually all single-gene disorders e.g. cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy, beta thalassemia, polycytics kindey disease, marfan syndrome, fragile X syndrome, Huntington´s disease, etc.

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To learn more book a demo at ESHRE 2017 Meeting in the Webform!

ESHRE 2018

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