New Recessive Disease Carrier Panel by EXOME

New Recessive Disease Carrier Panel by EXOME

The new Recessive Disease Carrier Panel by ExomeBIOARRAY ADVANCE EXOME, is the most comprehensive Bioarray’s panel as it is based on whole exome sequencing and analyzes more than 3,000 genes.

The entire Bioarray Advance line has now three different options, each of which is adjusted to the needs of the patient.

  • New Bioarray Advance EXOME (+3000 genes)
  • Bioarray Advance Expanded (420 genes)
  • Bioarray Advance High Frequency (20 genes)

All Bioarray Advance carrier panels ensure full compatibility with other platforms on the market, being the most extensive option in terms of number of genes.

The report is done in just 15 days and is now also more compact and educational for both patients and donors.

Matching Platform

It is a  web solution to perform genetic matching for patients and donors who have previously performed the Bioarray Advance™ Carrier Panel.

With this platform, our clients will be able to automatically know if two people are compatible or if they have a high risk of conceiving a child affected by a genetic disease, based on previous genetic studies carried out on each member of the couple. Knowing about a high-risk situation enables the necessary actions to be programmed to eliminate said risk.

Thanks to this platform, IVF clinics will be able to make matchings of their choice, with the aim of maximizing compatibility in the selection of donors, reducing the risk of transmission of genetic diseases.

Our platform currently offers three types of genetic matching:

 Complete Matching:
The complete panel of 2000 genes from the New Bioarray Advance™ Exome is analyzed. Ideal for patients or those clinics that prefer to have all the information.

– High Frequency Matching:
Only the genes of a reduced panel chosen by the center are studied. Ideal for patients or those clinics that prefer to study only the most prevalent genes.

– High Frequency Matching X-linked:
The genes of a reduced panel at the choice of the center are studied, as well as all the genes associated with X-linked diseases of the complete panel. Ideal for ovum donors.